The basics of dog nutrition – Carbohydrates

Oat-FlakesThe wolf is a carnivore, but the wolf does not only eat meat but prey. Depending on season and locality e. g. worms, insects, fish, mice, rabbits, deers, lambs, calfs, bisons and even musks. There are some left overs like bones, strings, skin and hair.
The pray offers vitamins B and C from the intestines and their contents, and roughage (plant’s fibres) that are essential for the operation of the wolf’s intestines, from abdomen. The wolf wanders approx. 50 km each day, wether heat or frost, to find its pray, what does not happen on a daily basis. Then his meal consists of fruits, berries, grasses, seeds, roots and leafs.
The dog’s ancestors are the wolves, so the dog is of the Carnivora order but a domesticated pet. The dog lives under completely different circumstances and environments, protected in our air-conditioned homes and with 5 km walks per day, best case. The dog can adopt to different feeding techniques, but the dog and the wolf have one thing in common: Pure meat feeding is not healthy, because it does not offer important vitamins, minerals and hard digestible fibre which is essential for wolves and dogs.
Dog owners who feed only meat and exclude cereals altogether are making a dietary error, and dogs so fed cannot possibly enjoy total health; their diet being one-sided will likewise give one-sided health.
Recommended sources are flakes of
  • oats
  • barley
  • rice
  • quinoa

Why flakes? Because the process of rolling under heat increases the digestibility of the corn to 90%.