The basics of dog nutrition – fat-soluble vitamins

2012 10 VitaminVitamin A (Retinol, beta carotene as precursor)
Vitamin A is essential for normal growth, development, reproduction and the immune system.
Sources: Carrots (1500 mcg / 100 g), egg yolk (885 mcg / 100 g) liver (chicken, fish, fish liver oil; < 100 mcg / 100 g).
Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin D3 is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which is essential for normal development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. It can be synthesized in the body by sufficient exposure to UV radiation, which is difficult in winter times.
Sources: Cod liver oil (170 mcg / 100 g), salmon (16 mcg / 100 g), egg yolk (6 mcg / 100g).
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protecting cell membranes against free radical damage. It is necessary for normal immune function.
Sources: Wheat germ oil (174 mg / 100 g), sunflower oil (63 mg / 100 g), safflower oil (44 mg / 100 g).
Vitamin K
Effects: Required for blood clotting.
Sources: Chicken heart (600 – 1000 mcg/100 g), Parsley and Spinach (200 – 600 mcg/100 g).